I'm raffling off a free deluxe springback journal for everyone who purchases a ticket through my RAW Artist profile page. That's right, FREE. But you have to purcase it on MY profile page RIGHT HERE!
I'm super excited to announce that I'll be at "RAW: Nashville Presents TREND" next month, Tuesday June 28th at City Winery! TREND takes place on Tuesday June 28th at City Winery & runs from 7pm-11pm. You must be 18 or older, tickets are $15, cocktail attire strongly encouraged, it's a fashion show after all.
TREND is an event to honor, celebrate, & support Nashville's unique flavor of creativity and will be perhaps one of the most eclectic, energetic, swanky, and colorful events I'll participate in all year! It features amazing live music, (duh, it's Nashville!) incredible food and drinks (because it's City Winery) art and goods from a some of the most diverse and talented artists and creatives Nashville has to offer (including yours truly) and the evening caps off with a fashion show featuring some of your hometown's most talented designers.
Here's the caveat! I NEED YOUR HELP! I need to sell tickets! I want to sell YOU tickets! And as a huge THANK YOU anyone who purchases a ticket through this link: http://www.rawartists.org/crowinghensbindery will be entered to WIN a FREE springback journal of your choosing. That's right! A FRIGGIN SPRINGBACK JOURNAL! (that fancy thing I'm holding in my ritzy flyer up there). Don't know what a springback journal is? Ask around, check my website. I even posted a video on Youtube on how they operate. They're amazing, and I make them entirely by hand from the ground up here in Nashville, TN. I design, paint & print my own papers, sew the pages by hand, and build them from scratch. Entirely made in Nashville, TN. BUT!!! Stick with me...
In order to be entered in this drawing you MUST use this here link. http://www.rawartists.org/crowinghensbindery And only this one. Otherwise I won't be able to track you, I can't count you on my list, and you won't be entered into the drawing. This is super important. Please use this link. http://www.rawartists.org/crowinghensbindery
So if you've never been to the City Winery and you're looking for an excuse, buy a ticket here!
If you think Tuesday should be the new Friday and you've been wanting an excuse to get dressed up all fancy and have a night on the town, buy a ticket here!
If you love supporting local art, fashion, musicians, photographers, and your friendly local bookbinders (love you too!), buy a ticket here!
Or, if you want an amazing night on the town, an excuse to get all gussied up, say, "To Hell with Tuesdays," enjoy local food and spirits, support your local makers, artists, and small businesses AND be entered to win an absolutely FREE SPRINGBACK journal (an $85 value for only the cost of a $15 ticket) made by yours truly, from scratch in Nashville, TN, buy a ticket here!
Don't wait till the last minute! These events are incredibly popular and tickets are limited!
Thanks everyone! Let's all get fancy!
Psst... tickets are here: http://www.rawartists.org/crowinghensbindery